patroni.postgresql.config module

class patroni.postgresql.config.ConfigHandler(postgresql: Postgresql, config: Dict[str, Any])View on GitHub

Bases: object

CMDLINE_OPTIONS = <CaseInsensitiveDict{'listen_addresses': (None, <function _false_validator>, 90100), 'port': (None, <function _false_validator>, 90100), 'cluster_name': (None, <function _false_validator>, 90500), 'wal_level': ('hot_standby', <patroni.validator.EnumValidator object>, 90100), 'hot_standby': ('on', <function _bool_is_true_validator>, 90100), 'max_connections': (100, <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 90100), 'max_wal_senders': (10, <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 90100), 'wal_keep_segments': (8, <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 90100), 'wal_keep_size': ('128MB', <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 130000), 'max_prepared_transactions': (0, <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 90100), 'max_locks_per_transaction': (64, <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 90100), 'track_commit_timestamp': ('off', <function _bool_validator>, 90500), 'max_replication_slots': (10, <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 90400), 'max_worker_processes': (8, <patroni.validator.IntValidator object>, 90400), 'wal_log_hints': ('on', <function _bool_is_true_validator>, 90400)} at 7fa1cd548090>
_RECOVERY_PARAMETERS = <CaseInsensitiveSet('archive_cleanup_command', 'pause_at_recovery_target', 'primary_conninfo', 'primary_slot_name', 'promote_trigger_file', 'recovery_end_command', 'recovery_min_apply_delay', 'recovery_target', 'recovery_target_action', 'recovery_target_inclusive', 'recovery_target_lsn', 'recovery_target_name', 'recovery_target_time', 'recovery_target_timeline', 'recovery_target_xid', 'restore_command', 'standby_mode', 'trigger_file') at 7fa1cee422d0>
__init__(postgresql: Postgresql, config: Dict[str, Any]) NoneView on GitHub
_adjust_recovery_parameters() NoneView on GitHub
_check_passfile(passfile: str, wanted_primary_conninfo: Dict[str, Any]) boolView on GitHub
_check_primary_conninfo(primary_conninfo: Dict[str, Any], wanted_primary_conninfo: Dict[str, Any]) boolView on GitHub
property _configuration_to_save: List[str]
_get_pg_settings(names: Collection[str]) Dict[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]]View on GitHub
_get_tcp_local_address() strView on GitHub
static _get_unix_local_address(unix_socket_directories: str) strView on GitHub
static _handle_wal_buffers(old_values: Dict[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]], changes: CaseInsensitiveDict) NoneView on GitHub
static _pgpass_line(record: Dict[str, Any]) str | NoneView on GitHub
_read_recovery_params() Tuple[CaseInsensitiveDict | None, bool]View on GitHub

Read current recovery parameters values.


We query Postgres only if we detected that Postgresql was restarted or when at least one of the following files was updated:

  • postgresql.conf;


  • passfile that is used in the primary_conninfo.


a tuple with two elements:

  • CaseInsensitiveDict object with current values of recovery parameters, or None if no configuration files were updated;

  • True if new values of recovery parameters were queried, False otherwise.

_read_recovery_params_pre_v12() Tuple[CaseInsensitiveDict | None, bool]View on GitHub
property _recovery_parameters_to_compare: CaseInsensitiveSet
static _remove_file_if_exists(name: str) NoneView on GitHub
_sanitize_auto_conf() NoneView on GitHub
property _triggerfile_wrong_name: str
_write_recovery_params(fd: ConfigWriter, recovery_params: CaseInsensitiveDict) NoneView on GitHub
append_pg_hba(config: List[str]) boolView on GitHub
build_recovery_params(member: Leader | Member | None) CaseInsensitiveDictView on GitHub
check_directories() NoneView on GitHub
check_recovery_conf(member: Leader | Member | None) Tuple[bool, bool]View on GitHub

Returns a tuple. The first boolean element indicates that recovery params don’t match and the second is set to True if the restart is required in order to apply new values

property config_dir: str
config_writer(filename: str) Iterator[ConfigWriter]View on GitHub

Create ConfigWriter object and set permissions on a filename.


filename – path to a config file.


ConfigWriter object.

property effective_configuration: CaseInsensitiveDict

It might happen that the current value of one (or more) below parameters stored in the controldata is higher than the value stored in the global cluster configuration.

Example: max_connections in global configuration is 100, but in controldata Current max_connections setting: 200. If we try to start postgres with max_connections=100, it will immediately exit. As a workaround we will start it with the values from controldata and set pending_restart to true as an indicator that current values of parameters are not matching expectations.

format_dsn(params: Dict[str, Any], include_dbname: bool = False) strView on GitHub
get(key: str, default: Any | None = None) Any | NoneView on GitHub
get_server_parameters(config: Dict[str, Any]) CaseInsensitiveDictView on GitHub
property hba_file: str | None
property ident_file: str | None
load_current_server_parameters() NoneView on GitHub

Read GUC’s values from pg_settings when Patroni is joining the the postgres that is already running.

property pg_hba_conf: str
property postgresql_conf: str
primary_conninfo_params(member: Leader | Member | None) Dict[str, Any] | NoneView on GitHub
recovery_conf_exists() boolView on GitHub
reload_config(config: Dict[str, Any], sighup: bool = False) NoneView on GitHub
remove_recovery_conf() NoneView on GitHub
replace_pg_hba() bool | NoneView on GitHub

Replace pg_hba.conf content in the PGDATA if hba_file is not defined in the postgresql.parameters and pg_hba is defined in postgresql configuration section.


True if pg_hba.conf was rewritten.

replace_pg_ident() bool | NoneView on GitHub

Replace pg_ident.conf content in the PGDATA if ident_file is not defined in the postgresql.parameters and pg_ident is defined in the postgresql section.


True if pg_ident.conf was rewritten.

property replication: Dict[str, Any]
resolve_connection_addresses() NoneView on GitHub

Calculates and sets local and remote connection urls and options.

This method sets:
  • Postgresql.connection_string attribute, which is later written to the member key in DCS as conn_url.

  • ConfigHandler.local_replication_address attribute, which is used for replication connections to local postgres.

  • ConnectionPool.conn_kwargs attribute, which is used for superuser connections to local postgres.


If there is a valid directory in postgresql.parameters.unix_socket_directories in the Patroni configuration and postgresql.use_unix_socket and/or postgresql.use_unix_socket_repl are set to True, we respectively use unix sockets for superuser and replication connections to local postgres.

If there is a requirement to use unix sockets, but nothing is set in the postgresql.parameters.unix_socket_directories, we omit a host in connection parameters relying on the ability of libpq to connect via some default unix socket directory.

If unix sockets are not requested we “switch” to TCP, prefering to use localhost if it is possible to deduce that Postgres is listening on a local interface address.

Otherwise we just used the first address specified in the listen_addresses GUC.

restore_command() str | NoneView on GitHub
restore_configuration_files() NoneView on GitHub

restore a previously saved postgresql.conf

property rewind_credentials: Dict[str, Any]
save_configuration_files(check_custom_bootstrap: bool = False) boolView on GitHub

copy postgresql.conf to postgresql.conf.backup to be able to retrieve configuration files - originally stored as symlinks, those are normally skipped by pg_basebackup - in case of WAL-E basebackup (see

set_file_permissions(filename: str) NoneView on GitHub

Set permissions of file filename according to the expected permissions if it resides under PGDATA.


Do nothing if the file is not under PGDATA.


filename – path to a file which permissions might need to be adjusted.

set_synchronous_standby_names(value: str | None) bool | NoneView on GitHub

Updates synchronous_standby_names and reloads if necessary. :returns: True if value was updated.

setup_server_parameters() NoneView on GitHub
property superuser: Dict[str, Any]
property triggerfile_good_name: str
try_to_create_dir(d: str, msg: str) NoneView on GitHub
write_pgpass(record: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, str]View on GitHub
write_postgresql_conf(configuration: CaseInsensitiveDict | None = None) NoneView on GitHub
write_recovery_conf(recovery_params: CaseInsensitiveDict) NoneView on GitHub
class patroni.postgresql.config.ConfigWriter(filename: str)View on GitHub

Bases: object

__init__(filename: str) NoneView on GitHub
static escape(value: Any) strView on GitHub
write_param(param: str, value: Any) NoneView on GitHub
writeline(line: str) NoneView on GitHub
writelines(lines: List[str | None]) NoneView on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config._bool_is_true_validator(value: Any) boolView on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config._bool_validator(value: Any) boolView on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config._false_validator(value: Any) boolView on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config.conninfo_parse(dsn: str) Dict[str, str] | NoneView on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config.conninfo_uri_parse(dsn: str) Dict[str, str]View on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config.get_param_diff(old_value: Any, new_value: Any, vartype: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None) Dict[str, str]View on GitHub

Get a dictionary representing a single PG parameter’s value diff.


a dict object that contains two keys: old_value and new_value with their values casted to str and converted from base units (if possible).

patroni.postgresql.config.mtime(filename: str) float | NoneView on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config.parse_dsn(value: str) Dict[str, str] | NoneView on GitHub

Very simple equivalent of psycopg2.extensions.parse_dsn introduced in 2.7.0. We are not using psycopg2 function in order to remain compatible with 2.5.4+. There is one minor difference though, this function removes dbname from the result and sets the sslmode, ‘gssencmode’, and channel_binding to prefer if it is not present in the connection string. This is necessary to simplify comparison of the old and the new values.

>>> r = parse_dsn('postgresql://u%2Fse:pass@:%2f123,[::1]/db%2Fsdf?application_name=mya%2Fpp&ssl=true')
>>> r == {'application_name': 'mya/pp', 'host': ',::1', 'sslmode': 'require',              'password': 'pass', 'port': '/123,', 'user': 'u/se', 'gssencmode': 'prefer', 'channel_binding': 'prefer'}
>>> r = parse_dsn(" host = 'host' dbname = db\\ name requiressl=1 ")
>>> r == {'host': 'host', 'sslmode': 'require', 'gssencmode': 'prefer', 'channel_binding': 'prefer'}
>>> parse_dsn('requiressl = 0\\') == {'sslmode': 'prefer', 'gssencmode': 'prefer', 'channel_binding': 'prefer'}
>>> parse_dsn("host=a foo = '") is None
>>> parse_dsn("host=a foo = ") is None
>>> parse_dsn("1") is None
patroni.postgresql.config.read_param_value(value: str) Tuple[None, None] | Tuple[str, int]View on GitHub
patroni.postgresql.config.read_recovery_param_value(value: str) str | NoneView on GitHub
>>> read_recovery_param_value('') is None
>>> read_recovery_param_value("'") is None
>>> read_recovery_param_value("''a") is None
>>> read_recovery_param_value('a b') is None
>>> read_recovery_param_value("'''") is None
>>> read_recovery_param_value("'\\") is None
>>> read_recovery_param_value("'a' s#") is None
>>> read_recovery_param_value("'\\'''' #a")
>>> read_recovery_param_value('asd')
patroni.postgresql.config.strip_comment(value: str) strView on GitHub