patroni.config_generator module

patroni --generate-config machinery.

class patroni.config_generator.AbstractConfigGenerator(output_file: str | None)View on GitHub

Bases: ABC

Object representing the generated Patroni config.

  • output_file – full path to the output file to be used.

  • pg_major – integer representation of the major PostgreSQL version.

  • config – dictionary used for the generated configuration storage.

_HOSTNAME = 'build-24371821-project-35122-patroni'
_IP = ''
__init__(output_file: str | None) NoneView on GitHub

Set up the output file (if passed), helper vars and the minimal config structure.


output_file – full path to the output file to be used.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
static _format_block(block: Any, line_prefix: str = '') strView on GitHub

Format a single YAML block.


Optionally the formatted block could be indented with the line_prefix

  • block – the object that should be formatted to YAML.

  • line_prefix – is used for indentation.


a formatted and indented block.

_format_config() Iterator[str]View on GitHub

Format current config and enrich it with some comments.


formatted lines or blocks that represent a text output of the YAML document.

_format_config_section(section_name: str) Iterator[str]View on GitHub

Format and yield as single section of the current config.


If the section is a dict object we put an empty line before it.


section_name – a section name in the config.


a formatted section in case if it exists in the config.

_write_config_to_fd(fd: TextIO) NoneView on GitHub

Format and write current config to provided file descriptor.


fd – where to write the config file. Could be sys.stdout or the real file.

abstract generate() NoneView on GitHub

Generate config and store in config.

classmethod get_template_config() Dict[str, Any]View on GitHub

Generate a template config for further extension (e.g. in the inherited classes).


dictionary with the values gathered from Patroni env, hopefully defined hostname and ip address (otherwise set to NO_VALUE_MSG), and some sane defaults.

write_config() NoneView on GitHub

Write current config to the output file if provided, to stdout otherwise.

class patroni.config_generator.RunningClusterConfigGenerator(output_file: str | None = None, dsn: str | None = None)View on GitHub

Bases: AbstractConfigGenerator

Object representing the Patroni config generated using information gathered from the running instance.

  • dsn – DSN string for the local instance to get GUC values from (if provided).

  • parsed_dsn – DSN string parsed into a dictionary (see parse_dsn()).

__init__(output_file: str | None = None, dsn: str | None = None) NoneView on GitHub

Additionally store the passed dsn (if any) in both original and parsed version and run config generation.

  • output_file – full path to the output file to be used.

  • dsn – DSN string for the local instance to get GUC values from.


PatroniException: if DSN parsing failed.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_enrich_config_from_running_instance() NoneView on GitHub

Extend config with the values gathered from the running instance.

Retrieve the following information from the running PostgreSQL instance:

And redefine scope with the cluster_name GUC value if set.


PatroniException: if the provided user doesn’t have superuser privileges.

_get_bin_dir_from_running_instance() strView on GitHub

Define the directory postgres binaries reside using postmaster’s pid executable.


path to the PostgreSQL binaries directory.


PatroniException: if:

  • pid could not be obtained from the file; or

  • OSError occured during file handling; or

  • the obtained postmaster pid doesn’t exist.

_get_connection_cursor() Iterator[cursor | Cursor[Any]]View on GitHub

Get cursor for the PG connection established based on the stored information.


PatroniException: if psycopg.Error occured.

property _get_hba_conn_types: Tuple[str, ...]

Return the connection types allowed.

If pg_major is defined, adds additional parameters for PostgreSQL version >=16.


tuple of the connection methods allowed.

property _required_pg_params: List[str]

PG configuration prameters that have to be always present in the generated config.


list of the parameter names.

_set_conf_files() NoneView on GitHub

Extend config with pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf content.


This function only defines postgresql.pg_hba and postgresql.pg_ident when hba_file and ident_file are set to the defaults. It may happen these files are located outside of PGDATA and Patroni doesn’t have write permissions for them.


PatroniException: if OSError occured during the conf files handling.

_set_pg_params(cur: cursor | Cursor[Any]) NoneView on GitHub

Extend config with the actual PG GUCs values.

THe following GUC values are set:

  • Non-internal having configuration file, postmaster command line or environment variable as a source.

  • List of the always required parameters (see _required_pg_params()).


cur – connection cursor to use.

_set_su_params() NoneView on GitHub

Extend config with the superuser auth information.

Information set is based on the options used for connection.

generate() NoneView on GitHub

Generate config using the info gathered from the specified running PG instance.

Result is written to config.

class patroni.config_generator.SampleConfigGenerator(output_file: str | None)View on GitHub

Bases: AbstractConfigGenerator

Object representing the generated sample Patroni config.

Sane defults are used based on the gathered PG version.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_get_int_major_version() intView on GitHub

Get major PostgreSQL version from the binary as an integer.


an integer PostgreSQL major version representation gathered from the PostgreSQL binary. See postgres_major_version_to_int() and get_major_version().

generate() NoneView on GitHub

Generate sample config using some sane defaults and update config.

property get_auth_method: str

Return the preferred authentication method for a specific PG version if provided or the default md5.


str value for the preferred authentication method.

patroni.config_generator.generate_config(output_file: str, sample: bool, dsn: str | None) NoneView on GitHub

Generate Patroni configuration file.

  • output_file – Full path to the configuration file to be used. If not provided, result is sent to stdout.

  • sample – Optional flag. If set, no source instance will be used - generate config with some sane defaults.

  • dsn – Optional DSN string for the local instance to get GUC values from.

patroni.config_generator.get_address() Tuple[str, str]View on GitHub

Try to get hostname and the ip address for it returned by gethostname().


Can also return local ip.


tuple consisting of the hostname returned by gethostname() and the first element in the sorted list of the addresses returned by getaddrinfo(). Sorting guarantees it will prefer IPv4. If an exception occured, hostname and ip values are equal to NO_VALUE_MSG.