patroni.exceptions module

Implement high-level Patroni exceptions.

More specific exceptions can be found in other modules, as subclasses of any exception defined in this module.

exception patroni.exceptions.ConfigParseError(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: PatroniException

Any issue identified while loading or validating the Patroni configuration.

exception patroni.exceptions.DCSError(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: PatroniException

Parent class for all kind of DCS related exceptions.

exception patroni.exceptions.PatroniException(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: Exception

Parent class for all kind of Patroni exceptions.


value – description of the exception.

__init__(value: Any) NoneView on GitHub

Create a new instance of PatroniException with the given description.


value – description of the exception.

exception patroni.exceptions.PatroniFatalException(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: PatroniException

Catastrophic exception that prevents Patroni from performing its job.

exception patroni.exceptions.PostgresConnectionException(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: PostgresException

Any problem faced while connecting to a Postgres instance.

exception patroni.exceptions.PostgresException(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: PatroniException

Any exception related with Postgres management.

exception patroni.exceptions.WatchdogError(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: PatroniException

Any problem faced while managing a watchdog device.