patroni.dcs.consul module

class patroni.dcs.consul.Consul(config: Dict[str, Any], mpp: AbstractMPP)View on GitHub

Bases: AbstractDCS

__init__(config: Dict[str, Any], mpp: AbstractMPP) NoneView on GitHub

Prepare DCS paths, MPP object, initial values for state information and processing dependencies.


configdict, reference to config section of selected DCS. i.e.: zookeeper for zookeeper, etcd for etcd, etc…

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
_cluster_from_nodes(nodes: Dict[str, Any]) ClusterView on GitHub
property _consistency: str
_delete_leader(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Remove leader key from DCS.

This method should remove leader key if current instance is the leader.


leaderLeader object with information about the leader.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

_do_attempt_to_acquire_leader(retry: Retry) boolView on GitHub
_do_refresh_session(force: bool = False) boolView on GitHub

!True if it had to create new session

_load_cluster(path: str, loader: Callable[[str], Cluster | Dict[int, Cluster]]) Cluster | Dict[int, Cluster]View on GitHub

Main abstract method that implements the loading of Cluster instance.


Internally this method should call the loader method that will build Cluster object which represents current state and topology of the cluster in DCS. This method supposed to be called only by the get_cluster() method.

  • path – the path in DCS where to load Cluster(s) from.

  • loader – one of _postgresql_cluster_loader() or _mpp_cluster_loader().


DCSError in case of communication problems with DCS. If the current node was running as a primary and exception raised, instance would be demoted.

_mpp_cluster_loader(path: str) Dict[int, Cluster]View on GitHub

Load and build all PostgreSQL clusters from a single MPP cluster.


path – the path in DCS where to load Cluster(s) from.


all MPP groups as dict, with group IDs as keys and Cluster objects as values.

_postgresql_cluster_loader(path: str) ClusterView on GitHub

Load and build the Cluster object from DCS, which represents a single PostgreSQL cluster.


path – the path in DCS where to load Cluster from.


Cluster instance.

static _run_and_handle_exceptions(method: Callable[[...], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub
_set_service_name() NoneView on GitHub
_update_leader(**kwargs: Any)View on GitHub

Update leader key (or session) ttl.


You have to use CAS (Compare And Swap) operation in order to update leader key, for example for etcd prevValue parameter must be used.

If update fails due to DCS not being accessible or because it is not able to process requests (hopefully temporary), the DCSError exception should be raised.


leader – a reference to a current leader object.


True if leader key (or session) has been updated successfully.

_update_service(data: Dict[str, Any]) bool | NoneView on GitHub
_write_failsafe(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Write current cluster topology to DCS that will be used by failsafe mechanism (if enabled).


value – failsafe topology serialized in JSON format.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

_write_leader_optime(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Write current WAL LSN into /optime/leader key in DCS.


last_lsn – absolute WAL LSN in bytes.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

_write_status(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Write current WAL LSN and confirmed_flush_lsn of permanent slots into the /status key in DCS.


value – status serialized in JSON format.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

adjust_ttl() NoneView on GitHub
attempt_to_acquire_leader(**kwargs: Any)View on GitHub

Attempt to acquire leader lock.


This method should create /leader key with the value _name.

The key must be created atomically. In case the key already exists it should not be overwritten and False must be returned.

If key creation fails due to DCS not being accessible or because it is not able to process requests (hopefully temporary), the DCSError exception should be raised.


True if key has been created successfully.

cancel_initialization(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Removes the initialize key for a cluster.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

create_session() NoneView on GitHub
delete_cluster(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Delete cluster from DCS.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

delete_sync_state(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Delete the synchronous state from DCS.


version – for conditional deletion of the key/object.


True if delete successful.

deregister_service(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub
initialize(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Race for cluster initialization.

This method should atomically create initialize key and return True, otherwise it should return False.

  • create_newFalse if the key should already exist (in the case we are setting the system_id).

  • sysid – PostgreSQL cluster system identifier, if specified, is written to the key.


True if key has been created successfully.

static member(node: Dict[str, str]) MemberView on GitHub
refresh_session() boolView on GitHub
register_service(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub
reload_config(config: Config | Dict[str, Any]) NoneView on GitHub

Load and set relevant values from configuration.

Sets loop_wait, ttl and retry_timeout properties.


config – Loaded configuration information object or dictionary of key value pairs.

retry(method: Callable[[...], Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub
set_config_value(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Create or update /config key in DCS.

  • value – new value to set in the config key.

  • version – for conditional update of the key/object.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

set_failover_value(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Create or update /failover key.

  • value – value to set.

  • version – for conditional update of the key/object.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

set_history_value(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Set value for history in DCS.


value – new value of history key/object.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

set_retry_timeout(retry_timeout: int) NoneView on GitHub

Set the new value for retry_timeout.

set_sync_state_value(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Set synchronous state in DCS.

  • value – the new value of /sync key.

  • version – for conditional update of the key/object.


version of the new object or False in case of error.

set_ttl(ttl: int) bool | NoneView on GitHub

Set the new ttl value for DCS keys.

take_leader() boolView on GitHub

Establish a new leader in DCS.


This method should create leader key with value of _name and ttl of ttl.

Since it could be called only on initial cluster bootstrap it could create this key regardless, overwriting the key if necessary.


True if successfully committed to DCS.

touch_member(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub

Update member key in DCS.


This method should create or update key with the name with /members/ + _name and the value of data in a given DCS.


data – information about an instance (including connection strings).


True if successfully committed to DCS.

property ttl: int

Get current ttl value.

update_service(**kwargs: Any) AnyView on GitHub
watch(leader_version: int | None, timeout: float) boolView on GitHub

Sleep if the current node is a leader, otherwise, watch for changes of leader key with a given timeout.

  • leader_version – version of a leader key.

  • timeout – timeout in seconds.


if True this will reschedule the next run of the HA cycle.

class patroni.dcs.consul.ConsulClient(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: Consul

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) NoneView on GitHub

Consul client with Patroni customisations.


Parameters, token, cert and ca_cert are not passed to the parent class consul.base.Consul.

Original class documentation,

token is an optional ACL token. If supplied it will be used by default for all requests made with this client session. It’s still possible to override this token by passing a token explicitly for a request.

consistency sets the consistency mode to use by default for all reads that support the consistency option. It’s still possible to override this by passing explicitly for a given request. consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default, the datacenter of the host is used.

verify is whether to verify the SSL certificate for HTTPS requests

cert client side certificates for HTTPS requests

  • args – positional arguments to pass to consul.base.Consul

  • kwargs – keyword arguments, with cert, ca_cert and token removed, passed to consul.base.Consul

connect(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) HTTPClientView on GitHub
http_connect(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) HTTPClientView on GitHub
reload_config(config: Dict[str, Any]) NoneView on GitHub
exception patroni.dcs.consul.ConsulError(value: Any)View on GitHub

Bases: DCSError

exception patroni.dcs.consul.ConsulInternalErrorView on GitHub

Bases: ConsulException

An internal Consul server error occurred

class patroni.dcs.consul.HTTPClient(host: str = '', port: int = 8500, token: str | None = None, scheme: str = 'http', verify: bool = True, cert: str | None = None, ca_cert: str | None = None)View on GitHub

Bases: object

__init__(host: str = '', port: int = 8500, token: str | None = None, scheme: str = 'http', verify: bool = True, cert: str | None = None, ca_cert: str | None = None) NoneView on GitHub
static response(response: HTTPResponse) ResponseView on GitHub
set_read_timeout(timeout: float) NoneView on GitHub
set_ttl(ttl: int) boolView on GitHub
property ttl: int
uri(path: str, params: None | Dict[str, Any] | List[Tuple[str, Any]] | Tuple[Tuple[str, Any], ...] = None) strView on GitHub
exception patroni.dcs.consul.InvalidSessionView on GitHub

Bases: ConsulException

invalid session

exception patroni.dcs.consul.InvalidSessionTTLView on GitHub

Bases: ConsulException

Session TTL is too small or too big

class patroni.dcs.consul.Response(code, headers, body, content)View on GitHub

Bases: NamedTuple

_asdict()View on GitHub

Return a new dict which maps field names to their values.

_field_defaults = {}
_fields = ('code', 'headers', 'body', 'content')
classmethod _make(iterable)View on GitHub

Make a new Response object from a sequence or iterable

_replace(**kwds)View on GitHub

Return a new Response object replacing specified fields with new values

body: str

Alias for field number 2

code: int

Alias for field number 0

content: bytes

Alias for field number 3

headers: Mapping[str, str] | Mapping[bytes, bytes] | None

Alias for field number 1

patroni.dcs.consul.catch_consul_errors(func: Callable[[...], Any]) Callable[[...], Any]View on GitHub
patroni.dcs.consul.force_if_last_failed(func: Callable[[...], Any]) Callable[[...], Any]View on GitHub
patroni.dcs.consul.service_name_from_scope_name(scope_name: str) strView on GitHub

Translate scope name to service name which can be used in dns.

230 = 253 - len(‘replica.’) - len(‘.service.consul’)